Sunday, July 08, 2007


This rendering is for Illustration the subject this week is "GEEKY". The first thing that came to mind was "Comic conventions" and old men with ray guns! Now that I am done with this drawing, I need to go play with my Star Trek phaser. Live long and prosper.


lisagloria said...

Oh yeah! You got this one perfectly.

Tina Poe said...

Ew! Love his man boobs!!

Tracy said...

Great work!

Rob Bodnar said...

Thanks Lisa, Tina and Tracy! I'm glad you like my geek.

esillustration said...

SUPER GEEK! I love comic book conventions :-)

Michelle Lana said...

HI know the laser just tops it all! Great work.

Rob Bodnar said...

Hi, Elizabeth, thanks for commenting! I think there is a big difference between a "geek" and "nerd". Hi Michelle, thanks so much!

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

I had to go to a comic convention once for work believe it or not. I was amazed at how nerdy all the nerds were, and enjoyed looking down my nose at them.
Until Bobba Fett walked past. Bobba Fett!!!!!!!!!
I thought he'd perished in the belly of the all powerful sarlac!
Scratch a designer and you'll find a nerd underneath

Anonymous said...

You really nailed 'geeky'...old geeks rock! Now, if only they'd retro the chargers for these phazers so you could recharge in the car...

Rob Bodnar said...

Spleenal, Thanks for leaving your comment, I think maybe it's time to do a self inventory and come to the realization that only a true geek would know what monster ate Bobba Fet.

Stangy, if you feel a need to carry a phazer in your your car for some reason, needing to re-charge it, you have graduated from an ordinary "geek" to "super-nerd" and be careful you may get arrested for packing some heat. Make sure your phaser is set to "stun" and not "kill".

Unknown said...

Totally agree! One of your BEST - reminds me of our office mail clerk. He's probably packing a

Dave James said...

Nice piece, Rob! I really like this one.
